NATS Offshore Wind Farm Assessments
-Background NATS operates a network of radar that allows it to control and monitor air traffic across the United Kingdom…
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Common Radar Mitigation Solutions
-Background Wind turbines and large buildings can have an adverse impact on radar systems. This article examines the some of…
Israeli Wind Farms Receive Approval in Radar Mitigation Deal
-Radar interference concerns Wind developers in Israel have faced significant struggles due to radar interference concerns from defence officials. Plans…
Planning Issues for Buildings – Radar Interference
-Developing buildings Building developments face a myriad of hurdles between their inception and their construction. Issues that are difficult to…
DeTect – Wind Turbine Lighting Control Radar
-Overview The DeTect Harrier Aircraft Detection Lighting System (ADLS) enables lights to be illuminated as aircraft approach a wind farm.…
MOD Air Defence Radar Mitigation Update 2019
-The Ministry of Defence has provided information to help wind farm developers determine what mitigation solutions may be appropriate for…
MOD Staxton Wold Radar Move Affects Wind Developers
-Background The Ministry of Defence has recommissioned a radar site at the far northern tip of Shetland called Saxa Vord.…
Wind Turbine Radar Appeal – Belfast
-Overview Pager Power has advised the farmer developing the Quarry Hill wind turbine regarding an appeal to remove a radar…
How it’s done – Assessing Wind Farm Radar Interference
-Wind farms and radar Wind farm developments around the world face objections from radar operators. This is because large wind…
Spondon Wind Turbines to become operational following successful mitigation
-Previous articles: Radar concerns have rendered two turbines motionless Aveillant technology to mitigate the effects of two wind turbines at…