We can undertake a desk based Additional Shielding Study which will identify whether your wind development will benefit from shielding along the Radar Line of Sight (LOS) profile from any Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR). Shielding can exist as forests or buildings along the terrain profile, and in some instances, will remove a turbine from LOS of the radar.
This updated terrain profile can then be added into the radar detectability model to determine whether the turbine is likely to appear on the radar operators screen and a maximum tip height for a turbine at a proposed location.
Any identified shielding location can also be surveyed for an accurate analysis of heights and co-ordinates of the identified obstructions. This may be requested by any aviation stakeholder to confirm the results of the desk based report. The Radar LOS and Radar Detectability models can then be adjusted to account for the results of the shielding survey.
To order an additional radar shielding study or survey, please get in touch with us via the telephone on +44 (0) 1787 319001 or email, info@pagerpower.com.
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