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The Greek (Hellenic) Airforce has started objecting in wind farm proposals in terms of radar interference. We are currently working with a wind farm developer investigating potential interference to radar operated by the Greek Airforce. Our Greek member of staff, Jan Georgopoulos will answer any queries you may have. Anyone requiring further…
UK wind developers will be able to improve the way they manage wind farm radar interference issues with our Aviation Risk Data, the self assessment online tool. Released in August 2010, the data will enable developers to increase the value of their wind farm portfolio and improve their competitive position. The…
We are all very pleased that the proposed Fewcott wind farm has gained planning approval following initial objections from Oxford Airport and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) because of potential wind farm radar interference issues. We are pleased to have worked with the developer, Oxford Airport and the MOD to arrive…
Pager Power continues to develop its new aviation risk products. Presently the company has a range of online tools to help UK wind developers to identify potential issues from aviation stakeholders. These include the Aviation Risk Assessment (previously known as the Aviation Risk Report) and the Aviation Risk Data chart. Mostly problems…
A recent piece of work completed by us is a physical safeguarding and radar assessment for a large wind farm in the vicinity of a South African Air Force base. Physical safeguarding is the process of keeping the airspace around aerodromes (including airports and airfields) free of obstacles to maintain…
Eurocontrol issued Guidelines on how to assess the impact of wind turbines on radar for consultation in June. The Eurocontrol document is likely to be issued in 2010 and is likely to impact wind energy development within and beyond Europe from December 2010. It describes a process for defining geographic…
A core part of Pager Powers work involves the use of our custom in-house software Sightlines. A large upgrade project has been undertaken to introduce a web front end and improve calculation speed. We are now in testing and looking to go live during October. By taking Sightlines forward via…
Rotating turbine blades can cause brightness levels to vary periodically at locations where they obstruct the suns rays. This effect is known as shadow flicker. Shadow Flicker can be problematic to local residents when the shadow passes a window which is the sole source of natural daylight for that room.…
This article will explore the current opportunities for solar panels on new builds in the UK:
#solar #solarpanels #solarpanelinstallation #newbuildings
Radar constraints are an old and persistent nemesis for onshore wind developers. This article presents an overview of the most commonly encountered hurdles for onshore developers in this regard as they pertain to civil radar interests. Learn more:
In this article, we take a look at our Broadband Connectivity Assessments, when they are required and what they involve. Learn more:
#broadband #broadbandconnectivity #broadbandassessment #buildingdevelopment #FTTP
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