The 432 Park Avenue tower will stand at a supertall height of just over 426m (1,398 feet), and will become the highest building in the city of New York, United States (US), and earn the title of the tallest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere.
The competitive world we live in drives us to push limits. In Architecture this is especially true with devising new ways to create safe and beautiful supertall buildings, to maximise usable space in growing urban environments. The Rafael Viñoly’s 432 Park Avenue skyscraper is another example of this.
With buildings literally reaching for the sky, it is important for the developer to consider the impact on aviation and flight activity. One crucial factor to be accounted for is the imaginary surfaces that surround airports in order to keep the airspace free of obstacles – such as skyscrapers and the cranes used to construct them.
In the US the relevant guidelines, for what are known as Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS), are published in Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA). 432 Park Avenue tower will certainly be evaluated against this before construction begins.
Initially checking whether a tall construction won’t obstruct – or be a hazard to – airplane flight paths doesn’t have to be an arduous task. Pager Power have developed a web based, self service tool that will quickly tell you whether your project breaches an airport’s OLS (and by how much). It is called The Obstruction Assessment.
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