MOD takes legal action over South Uist turbine decisions
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MOD takes legal action over South Uist turbine decisions

MOD takes legal action over South Uist turbine decisions
April 29, 2014 Admin

Legal Action has been taken by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) regarding the planning approval granted to three turbines over concerns that they may impact upon air defence radar. The BBC reports that the “machines could produce a false “aircraft-like return” and affect the detection capabilities of radar systems.” (Read more on wind turbine radar planning issues).

The decision to give planning consent for the three turbine projects was already subject to some controversy, since the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (hereafter referred to as the Western Isles Council) had gone against the recommendation of officials that they would interfere with radar.

Impacts would be worsened by the fact that they would increase the cumulative number of turbines in the area.

Decision Deferment

According to the Scotsman, the decision on two out of the three applications had already been deferred once by the local authority’s environment committee back in September 2013. Stating that the committee lacked a “full understanding of the technical reasons” given by the MOD as part of the objections.

Despite best efforts to organise a meeting between councillors and the UK defence body in November 2013, the meeting date attempted to be rescheduled for early 2014. But at another committee meeting in November the turbines were granted consent, since the MOD “had not demonstrated to the committee’s satisfaction that this development would have an adverse impact on defence”.

The other application was granted consent later on, in January 2014.

MOD desired outcome

After instigating judicial review proceedings, the MOD are looking to overturn the decision of the Western Isles Council.

Pager Power

We have over a decade of experience working resolving radar and wind turbine conflict in a manner which satisfies all stakeholders.  Our long-term involvement in this industry can help you to make informed steps moving forward with your project. If you have a development that you would like to discuss, please feel free to get in touch with us. Telephone +44 (0) 1787 319001 or email


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