What you didn’t know about rechecking a site using Pager Power Online
-We don’t have to tell you that optimising the site of a wind development, or turbine takes a lot of…
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Radar: planning issues for wind turbines
-Solutions to Radar Issues The most effective way to avoid planning issues with regard to radar is to prevent a…
Falmouth turbine receives MOD objection
-Two applications for single turbine sites proposed in Falmouth are likely to be refused due to Ministry of Defence (MOD)…
Aviation Risk Report: Single location or area?
-“On the Aviation Risk Report, does it matter whether I put in a single location or an area?” This is…
How do you Find the Radar and Aviation Constraints of a Wind Turbine Site?
-To learn about the radar and aviation constraints of a specific wind turbine site location, use Pager Power’s online system…
Identify aviation and radar issues within 4 hours
-Pager Power Online’s Aviation Risk Assessment (which used to be called the online risk report) identifies the aviation and radar…
20.86GW of UK wind energy affected by Aviation Stakeholders
-Based on a recent survey by RenewableUK 20.86GW of wind energy, from pre-planning to planning, are affected by aviation related…
Understanding the Aviation Risk Report
-The Aviation Risk Report identifies wind turbine aviation interference issues at a specific wind turbine location. Although you can get…
Pager Power creates wind farm constraints map for UK and Ireland
-Pager Power has created a wind farm constraints map which shows some aviation constraints in the UK and Ireland. It…
UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) stop preplanning Consultation with wind developers
-The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have recently announced that they will no longer be processing the pre-planning enquiries for…