20.86GW of UK wind energy affected by Aviation Stakeholders - Pager Power
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20.86GW of UK wind energy affected by Aviation Stakeholders

20.86GW of UK wind energy affected by Aviation Stakeholders
May 10, 2012 Admin

Based on a recent survey by RenewableUK 20.86GW of wind energy, from pre-planning to planning, are affected by aviation related objections (including Eskdalemuir). MOD Air Traffic Control (ATC) Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) hold the first place as they affect more than 12GW of wind energy. NATS Primary Radar and Air Defence Radar follow with approximately 11GW and 4GW respectively.

Pager Power has a comprehensive database of aviation and radar constraints for the UK, including NATS Air Ground Air (AGA) communication stations. We always recommend to identify and avoid, if possible, potential issues at early stages. Pager Power’s rapidly delivered Aviation Risk Report (presently called Aviation Risk Assessment) can rapidly identify potential issues. Please contact us for further information.


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