Solar PV panels are being fitted to our offices at South Suffolk Business Centre next week. Electricity from the panels will be consumed in the business centre thus reducing man-made carbon emissions.
Figure 1: The reception area at South Suffolk Business Centre
Environmental Benefit
The solar PV scheme will generate around 9,000 kWh of electricity a year and is predicted to reduce carbon emissions by around 91 tonnes over its 25 year lifespan. The new scheme is set to generate 37% more than Pager Power’s annual consumption of 6,550 kWh.
Installation Location
The system will be installed on the main south sloping roof of the business centre directly above the office we use for storage and meetings.
Pager Power Emissions Reductions
Over the past years we have taken a number of steps towards reducing carbon emissions from our own activities including:
- Moving to a smaller office reducing energy consumed for lighting and heating by 40%
- Replacing direct electric heating with a heat pump inverter system
- Replacing our old survey vehicle with a cleaner model with lower emissions
- Reducing business travel and associated emissions
Solar Installation
The solar installation consists of around 35 panels having a peak electrical capacity of 10 kilowatts. The system is to be mounted on an unshaded section of south facing roof. It is being installed to cut energy costs and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The project is being managed by Babergh Mid Suffolk Council as part of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership.
The installation was delivered via a cost sharing partnership called Solar Together Suffolk which reduced the overall cost of the installation making it a good investment proposition for the council.
Further Information
Pager Power provides a wide range of technical services for developers of renewable energy projects. We are the world’s leading provider of Glint and Glare assessments for solar PV developers.