The Eskdalemuir Seismic Array (EKA) is one of the 170 seismic stations worldwide, used to monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and to identify illicit nuclear explosions. The UK is bound by the CTBT not to compromise the detection capabilities of EKA and hence it is safeguarded by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). In 2005 a study was undertaken by professor Styles which concluded that wind turbines can cause micro-seismic noise which can be detected and interfere with EKA capability.
At the moment no wind farms are are permitted within 50km of Eskdalemuir Seismic Array (EKA) in Scotland. Based on recent news releases, a working group is being hosted by the Scottish government in order to increase the currently allocated noise budget.
Pager Power has recently produced a short report which removed a MOD objection regarding Eskdalemuir. Furthemore, Pager Power can produce estimates of seismic vibration contribution to Eskdalemuir based on previous research undertaken by MOD and Styles et al. (2005).
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