Airport objections for University of Liverpool wind development
+44 1787 319001

Airport objections for University of Liverpool wind development

Airport objections for University of Liverpool wind development
January 23, 2014 Admin

A twin turbine wind scheme proposed by the University of Liverpool has received two aviation objections: one from Liverpool John Lennon Airport and the other from Hawarden Aerodrome.

The development is to comprise of two twin blade turbines and be located on land North East of Little Neston, Chesire. The site would lie approximately 13km from both airports.

Aviation Concerns

Recently we posted an article on aviation planning issues for wind turbines, in which we said that the most common aviation concerns stem from:

    • Effect on radar (the rotating blades can cause clutter on the radar screen)
    • Safety risks caused by wind turbines as physical obstructions


In this case both Liverpool John Lennon and Hawarden Airports were consulted and expressed their concerns over the effect that the turbines would have on radar operations.

In order to minimise wind development radar interference issues, we always recommend to run initial checks as early on as possible. This can be a simple as using our online system to run a Radar Line of Sight Assessment. All you need to know is the radar name, turbine co-ordinates and dimensions.

For more information on wind turbine planning issues with radar you may also be interested to read our past post.


In addition to radar, the Hawarden Airport objection was “based on technical safeguarding.”

To initially assess whether a turbine (or other large structure) would infringe upon an airport’s protected surfaces used for safeguarding, you can use our Obstruction Assessment. Ordered online, the report will be with you rapidly.

Obstruction Assessment chart example

Obstruction Assessment chart example

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If you would like to ask us question, or discuss what we can do to assist you in a wind site development please contact us. We have over 10 years experience, and you can reach by telephone (+44 1787 319001) or email (


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