Buildings - Aviation Assessment - Pager Power
+44 1787 319001

Buildings – Aviation Assessment

Why assess aviation effects?

Building developments can present a safety risk for aviation activity in their vicinity. Broadly, this falls into four categories, which are:

  • Collision risk (also called ‘physical safeguarding’).
  • Interference to navigation equipment (including radar and beacons).
  • Impacts on flight procedures and airspace.
  • Glint and glare effects from reflective façades.

Aviation assessments are routinely required for large developments and can be required for relatively modest ones, even if they are one or two storeys, depending on their location.

Aviation concerns that become apparent at a late stage in the development process (e.g. within a few weeks of the planned submission) can have very serious consequences for the development including delay, changes to design or even refusal of permission.

What are the benefits of a Pager Power Aviation Assessment?

Pager Power’s aviation assessment will quantify the constraints and inform next steps in order to progress the project.

Pager Power has been conducting aviation assessments for more than fifteen years. All Pager Power reports are designed to be: 

  • Comprehensive – covering all the relevant aspects for each individual proposed development. 
  • Up-to-date with reference to current guidelines from the relevant bodies and recent industry developments.
  • Understandable to non-experts and experts alike. 

Pager Power has experience at all stages of development, from scoping, to planning, to discharging conditions and appeals/public enquiry.

What does a Pager Power Aviation Assessment cover?


Potential aviation issues for buildings can be extensive and varied depending on the specific scenario. Bespoke requirements will be determined at the outset based on developer requirements and the development type relative to its location. Common aspects that are assessed the most often are listed below.

Collision Risk

Collision risks at airports in most countries are managed in accordance with guidance from the appropriate Civil Aviation Authority or equivalent. Individual airports can also have their own requirements. For example, in the UK, most licensed airports follow the rules defined by the UK Civil Aviation Authority in their publication pertaining to licensing of aerodromes. In the case of London City Airport, bespoke rules apply that have been defined specifically based on the airport’s location and surroundings.

Radar Interference

Buildings can interact with signals that are emitted by radar installations for navigation purposes. Where this is a possibility, technical assessment can quantify potential issues and identify mitigation options.

Minimum Altitudes

The minimum altitude available for aircraft is defined based on many factors including obstacles in the area. New buildings can therefore have consequences for the altitude that is safe for aircraft.


The routes and altitudes associated with procedures at airports are designed with reference to obstacles in the environment. The presence of new buildings can affect these procedures under some conditions.


New buildings require cranes for their construction, which are, by definition, taller than the buildings themselves. Ensuring that cranes do not present a safety hazard is an important aspect of proposed building development.

If you’d like to discuss this service with a member of our team, please get in touch.

“Pager Power have successfully guided us through the unknown world of building properties in a safeguarding zone. Mike and his team have always been quick to respond, provided clear information and strategic direction to us. Technical information has been explained clearly enabling our team to convey this to the public and our stakeholders.

Mike worked well with the wider project team and been very approachable throughout.  I would happily recommend Pager Power to others.”

Claire Flowers
Senior Development Consultant, Redloft Ltd



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