Hydrogen fuel is a type of fuel that can potentially have zero carbon emission, if produced from renewable energy and if consumed in a fuel cell.
Several types of resources can be used to produce hydrogen, such as: natural gas, nuclear power, biomass, and renewable power like solar and wind. Currently, the most common methods to produce hydrogen are natural gas reforming and electrolysis, and to a smaller scale, other methods including solar-driven and biological processes are used [1].
Hydrogen Fuel Uses
Currently the main use of hydrogen is for refining petroleum, treating metals, producing fertiliser, and processing foods. Hydrogen is also used as rocket fuel, but this is a smaller market. In order to be a key player for the energy transition hydrogen needs to be used in sectors such as transport, buildings and power generation. Hydrogen can help tackle various critical renewable energy challenges. It can be used for the decarbonisation of some sectors such as long-haul transport, chemicals, and iron and steel where other renewable solutions struggle [2].
Duval County Green Hydrogen Project
A renewable energy project in Duval County (Texas) will have a capacity of 60GW (wind and solar) combined with hydrogen storage. The plant is expected to produce over 2.5 billion kilograms of green hydrogen per year. Locally, there are circa 50 caverns which can potentially store up to 6TWh of hydrogen.
The project is also looking at producing green ammonia for the fertiliser market, sustainable aviation fuel, sustainable rocket fuel and fuel as an alternative to gas.
The first phase of the project is expected to commence operations in 2026, consisting of 2GW of production and two storage caverns at the Piedras Pintas salt dome [4].
About Pager Power
Pager Power undertakes technical assessments for developers of renewable energy projects and tall buildings. For more information about what we do, please get in touch.
[1] Hydrogen Fuel Basics, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, n.d., accessed on: 15/03/2022.
[2] The Future of Hydrogen, IEA, date: 06/2019, accessed on: 15/03/2022.
[3] UK hydrogen strategy aims to generate £4bn in private investment by 2030, JP Casey, date: 18/08/2021, accessed on: 15/03/2022.
[4] Hydrogen City, Texas, GHI, n.d., accessed on: 15/03/2022.
Thumbnail image accreditation: Pixabay (September 2013) on Pexels.com. Last accessed on 16th March 2022. Available at: https://www.pexels.com/photo/rocket-factory-256297/