DECC UK Poll shows 66% in Favour of Onshore Wind
-The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) released wave 2 outputs of their Public Attitudes Tracking survey last week,…
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Renewables Backed By British Public
-The study which was commissioned by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) indicates high levels of public backing for…
UK wins title of most energy efficient large economy
-A Scorecard produced by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) on 12th July 2012 shows that the United…
Fossil Fuel Subsidy Twitterstorm
-Monday the 18th June saw the the launch of a 24 hour “Twitterstorm” against government subsidies paid annualy to the…
Global Wind Day Photographs
-The appearance of wind turbines is a controversial. Some people love them, some people don’t. Regardless of what your view…
Global Wind Energy Day
-The purpose of Global Wind Energy Day is to become aware of the power that can be harnessed from the wind and…
Positive Views of Wind Energy
-Earlier this month Ipsos-Mori conducted research into the publics views on renewable energy. The findings suggest that the majority of…