According to a new study by Global Energy Monitor, wind and solar power is progressing rapidly in China to the point where 2030 targets may be met five years ahead of time. The country is already a world leader in renewable energy, and the latest numbers coming from the report are massive in relation to total global capacity, let alone in comparison to other countries.
China’s Solar Installations to Increase Global Capacity
The report says that in the first quarter of this year, China’s utility-scale solar capacity reached 228GW, which is more than the rest of the planet combined. The amount of solar currently under construction totals to around an extra 379GW in potential capacity, which is triple that of the US, and nearly double that of Europe. These proposed installations alone could increase global solar capacity by around 85% by 2025.
Furthermore, combined onshore and offshore wind capacity is now higher than solar at 310GW, which is double the level it was in 2017 and approximately equivalent to the total of the next top seven countries combined. There is 371GW of wind capacity projected to be added to this number before 2025, and the effect on global wind capacity would be a nearly 50% increase.
Based on the above numbers, China could comfortably exceed its target of supplying a third of its power consumption through renewable sources by 2030.
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Thumbnail image accreditation: Benoît Deschasaux (March 2023) on Last accessed on 29th June 2023. Available at: