A lot of aspects are considered when a new building development, especially of significant height, is proposed. From impacts upon telecommunication infrastructure and aviation safeguarding concerns, the ‘go-ahead’ is required from different stakeholders to acquire planning permission. A new building development in south-east London has been ordered to be torn down, after deviating away from what was granted permission.
Figure 1: Building development. [1]
26 Breaches of Planning Permission
The Mast Quay Phase II development in Woolwich, south-east London has been ordered to be demolished after being found in breach of their planning permission, potentially leaving hundreds homeless.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich counted 26 major deviations between the proposed plans of the 23-storey apartment complex, and what was finally built [2]. A major factor included darker rendering and sharper highlights in the artist impressions of the building. The deviation has been described as “unprecedented”.
Anthony Okereke, Greenwich Council Leader, has said: “This decision is not one that the Royal Borough of Greenwich has taken lightly, but I believe it is reasonable and proportionate to the scale and seriousness of the situation.” [3]
The Developer’s Side
The developers of the Mast Quay Phase II development, Comer Homes, intend to appeal the decision. Their response claims that the Greenwich Council have “exaggerated” the differences. Their response goes on to say:
“The planning permissions were lawfully implemented. All new buildings have differences from historic planning designs as they reflect new regulations and the changes inherent in the construction process.” [4]
Pager Power and Building Developments
Pager Power can assist in seeking planning permission for tall buildings by providing technical assessments for glint and glare, aviation safeguarding assessments, impacts upon telecommunication infrastructure and many more technical assessments. For further information, please visit our website.
[1] Jocke Wulcan (February 2019) on Unsplash.com. Last accessed on 9th November 2023. Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/aerial-view-photography-of-architecture-building-0Q7yLkGSHpA