There are many wind turbines in the vicinity of Hamburg Airport in northern Germany. The photograph below shows two turbines at Altenwerder which have tip heights of 198.5 metres above ground level whilst lying just 6.4 nautical miles from the Airport boundary and 7.8 nautical miles from its radar – thus demonstrating that wind turbines and aviation can safely co-exist.
Wind Turbines
The turbines are Enercon E126s which each have a rated electrical output of 6 Megawatts providing enough energy annually to supply around 11,500 German homes. The turbines have a rotor diameter of 126 metres and a maximum height of 198.5 metres above ground level.
Hamburg Airport
Hamburg Airport has two runways and handles over 17 million international passengers a year and is located to the north of the city. The aerial photograph below shows the airport and surrounding wind developments marked with blue icons. Altenwerder can be seen south of the river and west of the harbour area.
Hamburg is a busy international airport having more than 18 million international passengers per annum and two main runways.
There are many wind farms in Hamburg in the vicinity of the airport.
The Altenwerder wind development consisting of 2 turbines has been considered. These turbines have a maximum height of 198.5 metres and lie to the southeast of the approach to runway 05. The nearest turbine is 11.8 kilometres (6.4nm) from the airport boundary and 14.4km (7.8nm) from the radar.
Analysis of the airport’s obstacle limitation surfaces shows that the Altenwerder turbines are horizontally clear of the standard ICAO Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS).
The Altenwerder wind turbines are likely to be within radar line of sight as are the other wind farms in the vicinity.
It is likely that the turbines will have some technical impact on the radar and it is likely that these have been mitigated technically. Mitigation could be a combination of Non Auto Initiation Zones (NAIZs) and Multi Radar Tracking (MRT).
The situation at Hamburg demonstrates that wind farms and airports can safely co-exist.
About Pager Power
Pager Power helps developers of renewable projects particularly those that are on or near airports. We undertake radar impact assessments for wind turbines and solar glint and glare assessments for solar PV developments. For more information please contacts us on +44 1787 319001.