EUROCONTROL new wind turbine guidelines (version 1.2) were signed off on 10th October 2014. This superseded version 1.1 written in June 2010.
The guidance is used by radar operators throughout Europe as well as in countries outside Europe like South Africa. The original guidelines were produced with some wind industry consultation – although the document is owned and written by Eurocontrol.
What has changed?
The overall structure of the document has not changed but there have been some content changes:
- Feedback to radar manufacturers
- Radar information required for technical assessments
- Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) Probability of Detection
- Other PSR Detection Losses (e.g. track loss)
- Mitigation Options
The new document could result in changes to how assessments are undertaken, but is unlikely to have a significant impact on the number of wind farms that are affected by radar issues.
We are basing our radar assessments on the latest EUROCONTROL document from now on.