Were you at home on Sunday 7th December 2014? If so, there may have been an increased chance that the electricity you were using was produced by wind turbines. On that day, a new Great British wind generation record was set.
On that Sunday, Official National Grid Figures indicated that wind farms produced an average of 7.315GW of electricity. The voice of the UK wind and marine energy, RenewableUK, announced that this was the new record for daily production from wind farms, and meant that 43% British homes were powered by wind [1].
Other Recent UK Wind Achievements
The setting of this record is the most recent achievement for the UK wind sector. However August 2014 was also a good month. According to Scottish Energy News [2], the daily production of wind generated electricity exceeded that of coal-fired power plants on five separate occasions. Additionally, on the 29th August UK wind produced more electricity than nuclear stations.
The future…
Days like the 7th of December and the 29th of August serve as reminders of the great potential of British wind power to be part of the energy mix. Already Britain has a maximum operational wind generating capacity of over 11GW [3], with more than 17GW [3] in the pipeline (under construction and consented).
We hope that achievements like these will be more frequent as the number of wind energy projects coming online grows.
[1] Record wind power levels as new research shows clear majority back wind energy projects near them, RenewableUK, Last Accessed 12/12/2014.
[2] UK wind power beats coal and nuclear in record-breaking August, Scottish Energy News, Last Accessed 12/12/2014.
[3] UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED), RenewableUK. Last Accessed 18/12/2014.