Wind Sector Services - Pager Power
+44 1787 319001

Wind Sector Services

Television Interference Prediction

Wind developments can adversely affect television signals in their vicinity (typically within 10 km or less). This is predominantly due to blocking and reflection of the transmitted television signal before it reaches a receiving aerial.

Pager Power has an advanced modelling approach to predict where interference is likely based on the specific wind development details, the transmitter location and the terrain contours. The model has shown good agreement with real-world cases of interference.

Television Interference Mitigation

In some cases, operational wind developments cause television interference at neighbouring properties. The process for addressing this is to an extent dependent on the relevant conditions of the consent. Typically, there is a time period (often 12 months from operation) within which residents can report suspected interference which the wind farm owner must investigate and, where appropriate, remedy.

Pager Power is able to coordinate this process for a developer, including processing reported interference, determination of the likely cause and instruction of technical mitigation (usually undertaken by a local aerial installer) where necessary.

Shadow Flicker Assessment

Wind developments comprise large rotating blades which, under some circumstances, cast shadows. Where these shadows pass intermittently across a window, the light intensity in the room can vary periodically, causing flickering light to occupants within the room.

Assessment of potential shadow flicker effects is a common requirement for wind developments. Pager Power is able to model the level of shadow flicker and quantify the dates and duration of potential occurrences. Where required, a ‘shut-down scheme’ can be generated, specifying the times that turbines would need to be switched off to remove all potential effects.

Instrument Flight Procedure (IFP) Assessment

Instrument Flight Procedures are established numerous airports around the world – essentially specifying routes for aircraft approaching or departing an airport. These procedures are safeguarded against obstructions in their vicinity, both horizontally and vertically, for safety reasons.

Pager Power is able to advise whether effects on IFPs are likely. Where potential impacts are identified, Pager Power can coordinate further analysis with the relevant stakeholders.

Aviation Lighting Mitigation Study

Aviation lighting is a common requirement for wind developments – particularly as turbines continue to increase in height. Lighting can be necessary for safety reasons, specifically for collision avoidance. However, the introduction of new lighting can be of concern in the context of residential amenity.

Lighting requirements for wind developments can allow a degree of flexibility i.e. there are different types of lighting that can satisfy the aviation safety requirements. Understanding the options and evaluating them from a visual impact perspective can minimise impacts on surrounding residents.

Navigation Aid Impact Assessments

Aircraft throughout the world utilise various navigation aids to enhance safety and efficiency. There are many forms of navigation aid, however they generally utilise an emitted radio signal to transfer information between the aircraft and an installation on the ground.

Wind developments can adversely affect navigation aids, predominantly via obstruction or reflection of the emitted signal – although concerns regarding emissions from a development itself can also be raised. Assessing the impact requires quantification of the technical effects and evaluation of these effects in an operational context.

NATS Assessment

NATS – formerly National Air Traffic Services – provide en-route air navigation services throughout the United Kingdom. They operate numerous radar and navigation aids, which can be adversely affected by wind developments.

Pager Power has a comprehensive database of NATS installations and extensive experience in modelling potential effects. A range of assessments is available, from feasibility assessments to mitigation studies where required.

MOD Assessment

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has infrastructure and operations throughout the United Kingdom. This includes military bases, radar installations, low flying training areas, seismic arrays and more. UK wind developments can receive objections at the planning stage from the MOD due to impacts on their infrastructure.

Pager Power is well placed to assess potential concerns, having a comprehensive database of MOD infrastructure and extensive experience in dealing with potential concerns. A range of assessments is available, from feasibility assessments to mitigation studies where required.

Stakeholder Consultation

In order to understand the constraints on a proposed wind development, various technical information is required. Some of this is the public domain, and much is contained within Pager Power’s proprietary databases. In some cases, further information is required from stakeholders.

Pager Power is well placed to undertake stakeholder consultation as it pertains to proposed developments, having developed longstanding relationships with many stakeholders around the world. An extensive technical understanding of the systems and issues at hand can greatly streamline the consultation process, particularly if there is no established mechanism for obtaining the information in question.

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