Radar and aviation safety concerns delay German onshore wind developments - Pager Power
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Radar and aviation safety concerns delay German onshore wind developments

Radar and aviation safety concerns delay German onshore wind developments
August 21, 2013 Admin

Germany’s wind energy association (BWE) say that 3.5GW of onshore wind developments are delayed by aviation safety and radar concerns, reports Wind Power Monthly.

Wind turbine radar and aviation issues can affect developments of all sizes, and in different countries. Back in 2012 the UK’s leading renewable energy trade association, RenewableUK, announced survey results which suggested that 20.86GW of UK wind energy projects are affected by aviation related objections (including Eskdalemuir). This included schemes in pre-planning and planning.

Aviation Safety Concerns

An area of aviation concern can be safeguarding the airspace from tall structures. For this reason we have developed our online Obstruction Assessment.  Wind Power Monthly, states that it is the increase of the safeguarding zone around rotating civil aviation radio beacons which is the main cause of the project hold up in Germany.


Radar Issues

The main reason for the delays for wind developments identified from the 2012 RenewableUK survey was MOD Air Traffic Control Primary Surveillance Radar.

A common radar issue occurs when a wind turbine is visible to specific installation, and can appear on the radar screen. At Pager Power, we offer online Radar Line of Sight Assessments to help you quickly see if a radar can see your turbine. It considers bare terrain (so no buildings or trees), accounts for Earth curvature and refraction effects.

Can we help?

When it comes to assessing a wind development site for potential aviation safety and radar issues; the earlier you know the better. Our online reports are a good starting place to get a quick initial idea of what you could face, and then using those results we can recommend a best way forward.

If you would like to discuss a project, get in touch with us, either via email or phone, and we will be happy to help. Call +44 (0) 1787 319001 or email info@pagerpower.co.uk.


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