Update: The glint and glare assessment guidance is now available for peer consultation and can be downloaded here.
Pager Power has vast experience undertaking glint and glare assessments (over 230 to date) in the UK, Ireland and internationally. However, in the time taken to complete this number of assessments, detailed planning guidance for glint and glare effects from solar photovoltaic (PV) developments is yet to be established. In many areas there is no “industry standard” assessment methodology and therefore, Pager Power will be utilising the experience gained over the last few years to produce detailed planning guidance.
For whom and where will the guidance be relevant?
The guidance will be intended for the UK and Ireland predominantly however it will be widely applicable internationally. It will be aimed at stakeholders, developers and planners so that a uniform comprehensive and robust assessment methodology can be implemented for all proposed PV developments.
What will the guidance cover?
The document will include an overview of guidance and studies to date, as well as the requirements for a geometric glint and glare model. The guidance will cover an assessment methodology for the effect of glint and glare on local dwellings (residential amenity), surrounding roads (road safety), surrounding railway lines (railway safety) and aviation (aviation safety). The guidance will be predominantly aimed at large scale ground mounted solar developments however most will be applicable to commercial rooftop developments.
When will it be ready?
The guidance is now available for peer consultation and can be downloaded here.