Online Report: Aviation Risk Data - Pager Power
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Online Report: Aviation Risk Data

Online Report: Aviation Risk Data
February 17, 2011 Admin

Pager Power’s online Aviation Risk Data provides 3 charts which show the principle risk, the risk level and the statistically adjusted risk Level.

The Principle Risk

This dataset details the single largest aviation installation contributor to the combined risk value at each point location. It provides more detail on the issues likely to be faced and also gives an early indication of which stakeholders are the most likely to raise objections.

Risk Level

This dataset categorises each point into the following risk levels (in ascending order):

  • Negligible
  • Low
  • Medium
  • Significant
  • High
  • Severe

Hence, it indicates the likelihood of encountering issues at each location within the selected area. The listed categories are based entirely on the risk level, and the value at any given location is therefore comparable with any other location for which risk data has been obtained in Britain (onshore).

Statistically Adjusted Risk Level

This dataset is statistically adjusted to indicate the areas of highest and lowest risk within the area considered. This means the risk level displayed at any one point is relative to the other points within the area under  consideration. Therefore, the dataset is designed to map the relative risk within a site; the data values should not be compared with other regions of the country.


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